GoSmarter Optimisation

Minimise waste, maximise value

Optimise Production Planning

We know that running a manufacturing company is tough, so we’ve created GoSmarter to make it easier. GoSmarter is an AI-powered toolbox designed to help manufacturers optimise production, reduce waste and lower carbon emissions.

Optimisation Algorithms + AI

Production planning takes time, it’s costly and it’s full of risk. We have developed a set of optimisation algorithms that help Production Managers make smarter choices. Using a probabilistic approach combined with AI models to extract carbon emissions data you can optimise production to run more efficiently.

Optimising Steel Production

Rebar produces more carbon dioxide per unit weight than any other construction material. Using GoSmarter we are working with Midland Steel to optimise their Cut & Bent production and drive a reduction in offcuts (waste) and associated carbon emissions.

Benefits for your business

Optimising your production can significantly enhance your business Using GoSmarter can drive value across several key areas:

  • Improved resource management
  • More efficient use of materials
  • Reduced carbon emissions
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Lower operational costs


"Working in partnership with Nightingale HQ's innovative team, we now have a digital roadmap with short, medium, and long-term actions to meet our company's Digitalisation Strategy. They completed a thorough review of our company, processes, and day to day challenges identifying digitalisation opportunities to improve productivity."

Tony Woods – CEO Midland Steel

"Nightingale HQ helped us quickly build on the success of an open knowledge and data sharing platform with serohub.net to support researchers globally.​ They took our requirements to build a centralised hub of resources and delivered on key functions like the ability to add research studies, publications and even share case-based data.​ The result has enabled our partners to contribute easily and at speed their knowledge and tools, helping to improve evidence-based decision-making on COVID-19. "

Stephan Glöckner - Helmoltz, Project Lead, LEOSS.sero-survey

"Nightingale HQ worked closely with TMD to upskill the team and improve back- office processes. They excelled at unblocking technical challenges, bringing a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ along with industry best practice. Sometimes it’s the incremental improvements and quick wins that can be hugely valuable and Nightingale HQ understand this very well. They produce exceptional work and fast."

Helen Anderson – Head of Business, TMD Technologies

Helping manufacturers digitalise fast

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What's new at NHQ

Here at NHQ, we believe knowledge is fundamental to getting the most out of AI. Take a look through our latest content and stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

Richard Jackson

Cloud Software Engineer


Dr. Brian O’Halloran

Brian is a highly experienced data scientist and leader that has worked across multiple industries including manufacturing, telecoms, insurance and …


Oz Locke

Creative programmer as comfortable designing logos and writing things as they are building websites and developing applications.


Matthew Parker

Cloud Software EngineerMatt is a seasoned C# developer of over a decade with a focus more recently on Blazor.


Galetech Group Case Study ​

Working with international renewables group to accelerate digitalisation


Whitepaper on Sustainable Serverless Computing for Manufacturers

Nightingale HQ releases Whitepaper on Sustainable Serverless Computing for Manufacturers


Wales tech scale-up collaborate with steel manufacturers to make production greener

Wales and Ireland-based technology business, Nightingale HQ (NHQ) has supported a major UK & EU consortium as it looks to make reinforcement steel …


South West Manufacturing Digitalisation Series

Manufacturing clusters, Steel production and Process mapping


Accelerating digitalisation in pallet manufacturing

Find out how Nightingale HQ worked with CJS Group, the largest manufacturer of timber packaging and pallets in Ireland


Joshua Mercurio

Cloud Solutions Architect Engineer


NHQ joins consortium to make steel industry greener

Technology business Nightingale HQ have won funding with a European consortium to make steel manufacturing greener.


It's competition time with EIT BoostUp - Irish Edition

It feels like yesterday that NHQ made it to the final of Boostup in 2020, pitching data solutions to the Eroski challenge.


Manufacturing Solutions Conference 2023

Next week the NHQ team will be panelling and exhibiting at the Manufacturing Solutions Conference on 14/15 June in Technological University Of The …


NHQ embracing manufacturing conferences this summer!

Attending conferences has its opportunity-cost, but I usually find them productive and worthwhile. I’m no stranger to the National Manufacturing …


Umbraco London, Global Azure Day and Microsoft Reactor

This week, Richard Jackson (Cloud Software Engineer) visited London for two sessions at Microsoft Reactor, and to present a talk at Umbraco London. …
