help for organisations Invoice Processing Automation

Est. reading time: 2 minutes
Author: Ruth Kearney

Enterprise Accounts Payable workload is no joke. Using AI and no-code tools, you free up staff time, reduces errors, and smooth your processes.

Book your Invoice Processing In A Day workshop now

Fast-track your automation of Accounts Payable processes with this one day event. Book via Calendly, with safe payments using Stripe, to get everything setup.

Book via Calendly

Or schedule a chat to discuss further

Ruth Kearney

CEO of Nightingale HQ


Many finance teams in bigger manufacturers look at their counterparts in small businesses with envy. In a small business, they might be using a tool like ReceiptBank to process their invoices and upload the information into their bookkeeping software. Unfortunately, that usually lacks control over where your data goes or how your invoices get processed so AP teams are stuck doing it by hand.

Using Invoice Processing AI capabilities from Microsoft, it’s now actually possible for big organisations to get the same benefit of automated invoice processing whilst meeting enterprise-level constraints. What’s even better is it can even work out cheaper!

In the Invoice Processing In A Day event, we work with your teams to set up a no-code workflow for receiving invoices and processing them using AI. We then train staff up so that the right people are equipped to maintain the solution going forward, improve it, or replicate the successful time saving elsewhere in the business.


  • 10:00 Introduction to AI-powered Invoice Processing
  • 10:30 Technical setup
  • 13:00 Invoice Processing workflow configuration 
  • 15:00 No-code workflow training
  • 16:30 Review & next steps


  • A Micrsoft Form Recognizer facility
  • A Microsoft Azure hosted invoice processing workflow customised to your needs
  • Staff trained to maintain and enhance the solution

Common outcomes

  • Breakeven on investment within one week of launching
  • Improved visibility into cashflow
  • Improved supplier relationships from reduced friction in processes
  • Demonstrator of AI within the company
  • Improved auditability of accounts payable function
  • Increased digital literacy across the organisation

Business checklist

This event will be of benefit to you if you have:

  • Incoming invoices from suppliers
  • A Microsoft Azure subscription (alternatively we can set you up as part of this event)
  • Inputs and outputs available in the list of supported connectors

Logistics on the day

We deliver the technical implementation and training remotely via Microsoft Teams.

Throughout the day, different groups of your staff can come and go making the real cost (ie staff time!) much lower than a fixed project or day of training.

We can even work without any external access being granted via the “Request Control” function (meaning a Windows device is required) with a technical team member.

Book your Invoice Processing In A Day workshop now

Fast-track your automation of Accounts Payable processes with this one day event. Book via Calendly, with safe payments using Stripe, to get everything setup.

Book via Calendly

Or schedule a chat to discuss further