What permissions do you need to set stuff up for me and how can I manage these permissions?

What Microsoft permissions do you need to set up my tools? We will ask for the permissions we need to support setting up things for you. This includes the ability to work in Microsoft Azure on your behalf, and the ability to configure parts of your Office 365 setup if you have one. This connection will be managed through an Azure Active Directory Application which you will have control over.

Social Listening Azure

Est. reading time: 1 minutes
Author: Mia Hatton

Social Listening Azure

Est. reading time: 1 minutes
Author: Mia Hatton

What Microsoft permissions do you need to set up my tools? We will ask for the permissions we need to support setting up things for you. This includes the ability to work in Microsoft Azure on your behalf, and the ability to configure parts of your Office 365 setup if you have one. This connection will be managed through an Azure Active Directory Application which you will have control over.

Mia Hatton

Budding data scientist with an entrepreneurial and science communication background.


What Microsoft permissions do you need to set up my tools?

We will ask for the permissions we need to support setting up things for you. This includes the ability to work in Microsoft Azure on your behalf, and the ability to configure parts of your Office 365 setup if you have one. This connection will be managed through an Azure Active Directory Application which you will have control over.

When you are setting up your Social Listening tool you will also provide the Twitter connector permission to read and Retweet Tweets on your behalf. You will be asked to sign in to Twitter to provide this permission. The email connector will also ask for permission to send emails on your behalf.

Can I revoke permission at a later date?

We don’t need access forever so if/when you want to remove our permissions, you can go to your Azure Active Directory and remove the application.

Microsoft Logic Apps will end up as a registered third party application in your Twitter account. You can remove this app (see Twitter’s instructions) to completely disconnect things.