Market Entry To Germany - At A Glance
‘Opportunities for UK Tech Businesses in Germany via the state of North Rhine-Westphalia’ was hosted by Tech UK and led by Teodora Kaneva, Head of Smart Infrastructure and Systems. The aim of the event was to provide UK businesses with practical advice and services about how to enter the market.
The German trade and investment agency NRW Business Global outlined the many supports available to businesses coming into Germany. Their service is free, confidential, and very comprehensive. They also presented a great use case on the success of UK manufacturer JSP Safety Products in the region.
The legal aspects of setting up in Germany were presented by Daniel Pott and Henrik Smailus who provided information relating to legality and tax implications. They discussed the practical steps of setting up a company, registration, and employee contracts in English and German.
A great event, thanks to Tech UK and all the speakers for their time. Check out the event recording here