Irish Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference
Est. reading time: 2 minutes
Author: Will Harris
We’re attending the National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference in Dublin, Ireland on the 23rd and 24th of November where our CEO will be giving two talks on how AI drives sustainable manufacturing and the power of no-code tools.
We’re looking forward to attending the National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition next week in Dublin. The event is taking place on Tuesday the 23rd and Wednesday the 24th of November 2021.
The conference boasts an impressive lineup of speakers from across industry, academia, and research. It offers a great chance to network and dive into topics surrounding Industry 4.0 and the current challenges and opportunities in the manufacturing sector today.
To find out more about the event check out the National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference website.
Nightingale HQ CEO, Steph Locke, is going to be delivering two talks at the event, see below for details.
Increasing Developer Velocity with no-code tools: Robotics & Automation Stage - Day 1
Developer velocity is the ability to drive transformative business performance through software development. Steph talks about how manufacturers are embracing digital technologies need to be aware of the factors driving developer velocity as it helps focus their efforts, so they get more out of their investments in staff and time.
Tools can be a compelling enabler of productivity both inside and outside the tech team so putting forward the right business case is key to sign off. For companies with fewer developers and those not involved in making software generally, public cloud adoption, low- or no-code tools, and AI assistance can make much bigger gains. These tools can help businesses at all stages move faster and have the added benefit of improving job satisfaction and retention.
How AI drives Sustainable Manufacturing - from the Back Office to the Factory Floor: Main Stage Day 2
Sustainability is no longer just a nice-to-have, but a business imperative. What role can data and AI play in driving greater sustainability? Data Scientist Steph Locke shares how existing, affordable AI-powered tools are playing a part in driving sustainable manufacturing and scaling digital transformation. She presents practical examples of how this is happening across the factory floor and the back office highlighting use cases in predictive maintenance, defect detection to generative design. Steph will also go through some basic sustainable IT practices including going paperless, moving to the cloud with a carbon-neutral provider, and adopting green software products.
Manufacturing & Digitilisation panel: Main Stage Day 2
A panel discussion on the topic of how digital technology can help manufacturers. The panel includes Dr. Jamie Meehan, Cluster Manager of IDEAM as the moderator and the following panellists:
- Bill O’Leary, Senior Programme Manager Digital & Automation Systems, Johnson & Johnson
- Brendan Sheppard, CEO, SmartFactory
- Steph Locke, Data Scientist, CEO, Nightingale HQ