Toolkits for Smart Manufacturing
Est. reading time: 1 minutes
Author: Samantha Dart MSc
CEO Ruth Kearney presents ‘Toolkits for Smart Manufacturing’ to the industry cohort taking the ‘Certificate in Leadership in Digitalisation of Manufacturing’.
Our CEO Ruth Kearney will give a talk on ‘Toolkits for Smart Manufacturing’ to the industry cohort taking the ‘Certificate in Leadership in Digitalisation of Manufacturing on Thursday 31 March. The Springboard course delivered by Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest and the Irish Digital Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing IDEAM Cluster and the aim is to demonstrate the value of digitalisation and better equip Engineers and Managers to drive ‘Smarter’ and ‘Greener’ production lines.
This is the second intake and the course focuses on the following strategic areas to support Irish manufacturing SMEs:
Topic 1: Digital Maturity
Topic 2: New Business Models
Topic 3: Data Acquisition and Visualisation
Topic 4: Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
Topic 5: Smart Maintenance
Topic 6: Smart Industrial Control Systems
Topic 7: Collaborative Robotic Systems
Topic 8: Digitalisation of Production
Learn more about the course here