Artificial intelligence is a broad area of computer science concerned with building computer programs that can think like humans.

NHQ joins consortium to make steel industry greener

Technology business Nightingale HQ have won funding with a European consortium to make steel manufacturing greener.


It's competition time with EIT BoostUp - Irish Edition

It feels like yesterday that NHQ made it to the final of Boostup in 2020, pitching data solutions to the Eroski challenge.


NHQ embracing manufacturing conferences this summer!

Attending conferences has its opportunity-cost, but I usually find them productive and worthwhile. I’m no stranger to the National Manufacturing …


Umbraco London, Global Azure Day and Microsoft Reactor

This week, Richard Jackson (Cloud Software Engineer) visited London for two sessions at Microsoft Reactor, and to present a talk at Umbraco London. …


Nightingale HQ meets German manufacturers and tech founders

In an effort to increase visibility of UK technology start-ups the Welsh and UK governments participated in Start-up BW conference in …


Nightingale HQ supports Green Freight with FLS Logistics

Many industries are becoming more aware of the impacts of their CO2 emissions and are looking for practical ways to reduce this. It’s an area that we …


Smart Data in Manufacturing - Germany

In our efforts to expand in the German markets and partner with the Mittelstand or SME manufacturers, our CEO Ruth Kearney will be presenting at the …


AI Meet and Match Luncheon Germany and Wales

Nightingale HQ were selected to attend a Meet & Match Luncheon with business from Baden Württemberg Germany and Wales as part of London Tech Week. …


Market Entry To Germany - At A Glance

Market expansion especially into another country is always challenging but there are a lot of supports out there. We recently attended the …


What is Microsoft Project Bonsai?

Microsoft Project Bonsai is a low-code AI platform that can be used to build AI-powered systems that can provide guidance to operators or be used to …
