Samantha Dart MSc
Est. reading time: 1 minutes
Author: Ruth Kearney
Digital Marketing Intern
Samantha is a digital marketing intern at Nightingale HQ. As a recent graduate from Manchester Metropolitan University, Samantha holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and is interested in using her knowledge of psychology in marketing.
Going International
Nightingale HQ’s Richard Jackson attended a round table discussion regarding international trade with Wales Business Insider.
MoreInaugural AI conference a hit in UK universities
Nightingale HQ (NHQ) continues to ramp up attendance at tech and AI conferences across the UK and Ireland this summer with the first-ever AI …
MoreNightingale HQ supports Green Freight with FLS Logistics
Many industries are becoming more aware of the impacts of their CO2 emissions and are looking for practical ways to reduce this. It’s an area that we …
MoreSmart Data in Manufacturing - Germany
In our efforts to expand in the German markets and partner with the Mittelstand or SME manufacturers, our CEO Ruth Kearney will be presenting at the …
MoreAI Meet and Match Luncheon Germany and Wales
Nightingale HQ were selected to attend a Meet & Match Luncheon with business from Baden Württemberg Germany and Wales as part of London Tech Week. …
MoreNightingale HQ to speak at leading Irish manufacturing conference
This year the Nightingale HQ team will be attending the Conference on Digitalisation of Manufacturing lead by IDEAM Cluster and taking place in the …
MoreMarket Entry To Germany - At A Glance
Market expansion especially into another country is always challenging but there are a lot of supports out there. We recently attended the …
MoreAdvancing Digital Transformation of SMEs in the Midlands
Partnering on EI Digitalisation Vouchers with Irish manufacturers Midland Steel and Shabra Plastics.
MoreToolkits for Smart Manufacturing
Insights into customer examples from Ireland and the UK including Midland Steel and TMD Technologies.
MoreAdvancing Digitalisation in the Midlands
CEO Ruth Kearney to speak at Advanced Technologies Industries & Manufacturing Cluster.
MoreToolkits for Smart Manufacturing
CEO Ruth Kearney presents 'Toolkits for Smart Manufacturing' to the industry cohort taking the 'Certificate in Leadership in Digitalisation of …