AI-Powered Sales

Spend more time closing deals and building valuable relationships with our intelligent sales tools based on Dynamics 365.

Conversation intelligence

Get detailed analyses of sales calls that help you understand customer sentiment.

Easy data capture

Auto capture of information from emails (contacts, meetings and call details) cutting time wasted on data entry.

Predictive forecasting

Uncover hidden insights in your pipeline with predictive forecasts.

A data-driven approach

This tool helps you to identify patterns in your customer data and predict needs that cannot be easily detected by human capabilities alone. This will help you to intelligently manage relationships for greater success with your customers.

How to get started

You can deploy this tool yourself if you have in-house Dynamics 365 skills. If you’re not using Dynamics 365 currently to help your business operate more effectively, or if you need a helping hand on the installation, you can book a call with us and we can take you through it.